About Me

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I have an overwelming love for art, writing and thearte. i love color yet im still working out my flaws. I desplay my work here for people who could posible enjoy them and i will take critsizm from those who dont

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

lonly lemon

some are contemt
some are upset
some are sad and some are great
some come in groups
some come in threes
some sit alone,just like you
but when i come around
we become two


Face of wonder
Face of thought
What could she think of next
Perhapes butterflies
Or sadness of gloom
A face like this only occurs
When one does not know
What to think

Random Drawing

Im not entirely sure what inspired this but i thought it turend out neat .. i think im finaly getting the hang of drawing people.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Goddess of Art

The goddess of art paints the sky whatever color she pleases because one color is just too boring.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Revolation (a short story)

i sat in her office staring at my feet, if i would have been standing i would have fell to my knees. Her green eyes looked slighty crazy as they crept through my soul, yet it began to comfert me. this only confused me more. ive had a rough spot in my life and i sought out for help.i  wasent prepared to listen and mabie i should have been but it hadent accured to me what a diffternce her words would make. ever since she spoke those words they have stayed in my mind

"many people say that you have to belive in your self to become confident, but that is not the key." i interupt
"when so much is going on its imposible to do anything of the sort"i fliped my hair back out of my face."

"I dont know if you notice but your talking about your problems, what good is that going to do you" i look at her funny
"i thought thats what we have theripists for"
" what good does talking about the problem do, if you dont talk about the soultion" i had never thought about it that way and  i knew she was completly right."the key  is to love your self " in my fice im solem but in my head im laughing at the idea.
later that evening i sit with my mom and watch a movie she began to ask me how my theripy went. after a few munits of conversation we get on the topic of my many worries that mainly consited of dealing with other people and what my mother said i will never forget "right now no one else matters. you must learn to love yourself before others love you" with those words said things begian to change i had a drive, a confidence,a love for my self. i joind the track team with my new found confidence. Finaly at the confrence meet me and the team were at the thorwing rings and a teammate said" you are so nice, i just love you" then the words came back you have to love yourself before others can love you. With that one revolation i relized it was all true

sharterd vision

im not quite sure what inspired this to be honest with you. but i like playing with the slight abstract angle but the realistic structure gives it life

Hand in hand

ive taken a class on how to draw relistic hands and this one is the most intresting pair ive done.it was inspired bye the expresion" the older and wiser lead the young and unexperenced."

Saturday, June 18, 2011


this was inspired by a underwater documentary.with a little shading i brought the creatutre to life

this is a recent drawing of a hand reaching to the lord . i cant seem to figure out how to rotate it so sorry its confusing to inturprate